Welcome to my blog. I’ve kept a journal since I was 13 years old and I still have them all stacked high in a closet. Every few years I dig them out and flip through the pages. Writing is a gift that I am so grateful for. How, without a journal, would I remember that on April 3rd, 2006 I drove by this very farm I now call home and wrote, “It’s the most magical, sunlit place I’ve ever seen, with hills rolling neatly and covered in golden grass?” True story. Documenting life has always been a part of me; second nature like breathing.


And for that, I am so glad. Later I started keeping a blog, and here we are today. On this blog you will find my life; the big moments and the small moments (which are ultimately the big moments too.) This is a home for all the things I love. These are the things that inspire me when I’m collecting beautiful moments for you and capturing the things you love.  It's a perfect, romantic circle.